We see more and more large OEM and Tier1 groups need more flexibility. This is...
Month: July 2020
The most important thing to create a flexible and future-proof robot solution
We have conducted a study of 250 companies on what is most important for...
Why it was difficult to automate high mix and low volume
In the past, it has been very difficult to automate high mix and low volume....
OpiFlex got one of the first projects in Robotlyftet
OpiFlex got through one of the first projects in Robotlyftet and the customer...
Robot Development Towards Flexibility – the Four Robot Revolutions
The challenges of automating small series production as well as high mix and...
Automate small-series manufacturing – increase competitiveness
Due to Corona, there is a major trend towards regional manufacturing, from...
Senaste artiklar
Why OEM and Tier1 groups need more flexibility
We see more and more large OEM and Tier1 groups need more flexibility. This is...
The most important thing to create a flexible and future-proof robot solution
We have conducted a study of 250 companies on what is most important for...
Why it was difficult to automate high mix and low volume
In the past, it has been very difficult to automate high mix and low volume....
OpiFlex got one of the first projects in Robotlyftet
OpiFlex got through one of the first projects in Robotlyftet and the customer...
Robot Development Towards Flexibility – the Four Robot Revolutions
The challenges of automating small series production as well as high mix and...
Automate small-series manufacturing – increase competitiveness
Due to Corona, there is a major trend towards regional manufacturing, from...
Alla kategorier
Flexible robot fixes Covid-19 order
Tobias Hammar, CEO of AQ M-Tech,...
Flexible robot fixes Covid-19 order
Tobias Hammar, CEO of AQ M-Tech,...
Robotlyftet ger resultat! Antalet installerade industrirobotar i Sverige ökar under 2019
Sverige har nu Europas näst högsta...
Flexible robot fixes Covid-19 order
Tobias Hammar, CEO of AQ M-Tech, corona greets Johan Frisk, OpiFlex, who has...

Varför OpiFlex?
OpiFlex löser utmaningen att automatisera mega trenden med hög mix och låg volym med flexibla robotceller och driver den tredje robot revolutionen mot helt nya möjligheter.
OpiFlex flexibla lösning och enkla programmering kan användas till de flesta applikationer inom alla branscher och ger nytta för både små- och medelstora företag, Tier1 och globala koncerner.
OpiFlex är en mycket kostnadseffektiv lösning som är framtidssäker och kan öka täckningsbidraget mer än vanliga robotlösningar.